While parents are very particular about nutrition needs of their kids, there is big oversight for eye exercise. Surprisingly not much importance is given to short-sightedness by doctors or media. After all, a poor eye-sight can be corrected by glasses or contacts. In this article, I focus on simple 10-minutes eye exercise for kids. Ofcourse every one can do this, but eye exercise is especially important for kids.
Some Statistics and Facts- Fifty years ago myopia (or short sightedness) was not very prevalent. Today one in every four people have myopia. It is predicted that by 2020, one in three will be shortsighted. (See Myopia on the rise). This is tantamount to having epidemic!
- The percentate of children with myopia is higher in countries where the children are subjected to heavy school work loads, watch computer games, or TV. (I hope to improve the statistics when available)
- Any person with glass will tell you, that the short sightedness worsens progresively, till you reach the age of 20-25 years. This is when the body (including the eyes) stops growing.
The above facts indicates two things. One is, eye care should be taken since young age and secondly environment plays a big role in myopia. To counter the environmental effects, one can emphasize on good sitting posture, watch less computer games and TV (especially moving game where intense focus is needed), and some eye exercise. If you are socially vocal, try to introduce in your school curriculum.
Here are some yoga exercise for eyes that I learnt long ago in India. It is definitely soothing for tired eyes. Try it and only if you feel comfortable, ask your kids to do as an every morning or evening activity.
Eye Exercise Instructions
 | - Exercise: For half a minute, look into your forehead.
- Relax: When done, close your eyes for half a minute. Warm your eyes by firstly rubbing your palms and putting it over the closed eyes, gently massaging the eyes.
 | - Exercise: For half a minute, look into your nose. (People with mongoloid feature can look on their lips)
- Relax: see above
 | - Exercise: For half a minute, look into your left shoulder without turning your head.
- Relax: see above
 | - Exercise: For half a minute, look into your right shoulder without turning your head.
- Relax: see above
| - Exercise: Start with looking to your nose, gradually move the eyes clockwise till you are back to your nose. Then retrace your eyes in counter-clockwise till you reach your nose again. Do this about 10 times.
- Relax: see above
Some commonsense rules should be followed such as not to do exercise if there is inflammation or injury to eye. Best consult the doctor, if in doubt.
Looks amazing!!!! /I look forward to your feedback /thanks for this man it was very helpful.
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just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.
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just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.
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